" … there is no collusion between certainly myself and my campaign, but I can always speak for myself - and the Russians, zero." -D.J. Trump-
When words are applied in
Orwellian ways, one may freely parse.
Also, if there were a sin tax on his syntax, he'd owe so much money.
Believe me. A lot of good folks are saying this.
He categorically denies any collusion but qualifies it in
such a way that anyone who is hurled under the bus as a stopgap measure anytime in the future will have blindsided him with their
violation of trust, such as. We'll have to see if that's resolved by
season three, god help us. Meanwhile: a tweet?!
We're told there are
people still believing one word from this man. I don't get it, but I'm an unapologetic sentient.
Better healthcare with lower cost (campaign trail) has become repeal the ACA with no forethought or afterthought (something to chew on over the long holiday weekend). Promises to 'replace with something much better' has morphed into a predicted 32 million put squarely back into that haves and haves not situation like the before-time as the haves dip into this new pool of money as if it were their
Is it
a game among them to clear the most loot each year?
So what do we do about it? Republicans have a branding problem, but hardly as damaging as if Coca Cola had stuck with New Coke. They have
that ability to react to anything you put to them or that befalls them such that they always mount a comeback. One year's Heritage Foundation idea to derail universal coverage (Hillary-Care) has become
that pot of money which can be raided,
Just as with Trump's cohort, Republicans' self interest is gratifying
their donors under the guise of something terrific that you're really gonna love because freedom. They have resented Franklin Delano Roosevelt with the institutional memories of elephants.
So there's one thing we could do about it: put them in a chain gang and parade them through
the FDR Memorial. Panel by panel. Sculpture by sculpture. Written in that green patina that will never accompany their legacies:
“We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace--business and
financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism,
sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the
Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own
affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as
dangerous as Government by organized mob.”
One could argue
we now have both.
savvy reader has fleshed out thing 2, 3, 4 and 5 by now because, you know, sentience. Though I'll bet a week's wages they involve
actual meanings for words.
Here in Oregon, I'm lucky to have a
triumvirate of
representatives who vote
as I wish them to. It's fruitless and also a denial of service to try to reach the office of anyone else, so I don't. We can only hope those
skeevy ones who fill up those committee rooms in 3 banks of 17 get an earful from within their constituencies. And sooner is better.
If the recent town halls were as foreshadowing and genuine as they felt from afar, falling in line with leadership may no longer seem so attractive as 2018 looms. It's a long slog to wait for 'Republican' to be seen as toxic as 'New Coke' to the once loyal voter base, but fear of it may be
the only tonic.
Factor in as well that this whirlwind of self-interest isn't meant to include us, so if any one of you says this assault on the republic, domestic or foreign, has some merit here or there, I'm calling
Stockholm Syndrome.