Monday, August 10, 2015

Todd: "Emperor Appears to Many to Be Clothed"

Professional turd repurposer, Donald Trump, has been quite successful at being quite successful since the big rollout on June 16.

Many pundits, including yours truly, had it so wrong in thinking we got it so right. Flash-in-the-pan, "999" v2.0, his rise to the top would mimic the chimeras from the 2012 shindig, eventually "you're fired" would be the headline, then on to the serious campaigning.

Wrong to the nth power. (Where "n" is an 8 letter word for bullsh*t in polite society.) That wrong.

And speaking of nonsense, could there ever be a more shove reality into the blender so anything with any form whatsoever looks important prop of the ganda than last Thursday's performance art?

Insert "Fox News - the fix is in (also: fair and balanced)"
trademark infringing artwork here.

If you were like I, savvy reader, you had to scour the "all channels" menu on the cable box (wherever) to find this "debate" in the first place. It left us feeling dirty and hoping technology hasn't advanced to where it no longer takes a lengthy, voluntary survey or a Nielsen box to record our viewing habits.

For while the man with an article before his first name, worn like a Lucha Libre mask without irony, committed a string of offenses to compound the many since announcement day, candidates and moderators alike seemed to relish the "we'll have to leave it there" opportunities built into the chosen debate format. A minute here, 30 seconds there, chances to regurgitate coached responses to obviously coming "hardball" questions, cutting to commercial right after seeming compassion by just one Republican and not the entire field, so much clever, followed by so much clever.

El Trumpe is correct to feel put upon, but at this point who the fk cares?

It was a masterpiece, in that propaganda never works if you can't establish some credibility in the practitioner (so praise be to Luntz) kind of way. Get that man an extra slab of pork belly with that cheeseburger.

Who was there to lap it all up like a chance overturned truck full of kitties to an overturned truck full of milk?

Those people who should be outlawed like the flying wedge in American football is first to come to mind (the blog's sole Ukrainian follower is invited to go to Vikipaedia).

The elite, for no apparent reason, press (EFNARP for you kids) - that's who. "Elite" in that "suck it, beat reporters" way only a newly renewed host of a money generating media exercise can represent.

So how do you report the news and sell soap at the same time?

"To many, the emperor was sporting flesh colored Armani while others saw the power of 'Viagra - when you need to be clothed in sexy.' We'll ask Michael Steele and Joan Walsh for their thoughts when we come right back."

That's how.