Eight million dollars and FreedomWorks
Less government, lower taxes, economic freedom. The Tea Party 'miracle' was that it played a cynical okey-doke on redneck America, one more time. What, the Reagan revolution wasn't enough?
When you hear Trump supporters or operatives rail against the Republican establishment, they mean the cynical Machiavellists who set the country on a path to letting them get away with paying even less for the general well being of the commonweal. Eight million dollars and Freedom Works.
Their spawn, those posturing purists who in many cases successfully 'primaried' an incumbent who had held office for years with no complaints, set about the business of business first. That and a whole lot of agita over 'moral' issues dredged up from the first half of the last century.
In the realm of getting things done, which once was considered the meat and potatoes of government, they play the obstructionist card outright when they're not slapping on incongruous riders to necessary bills.
Eight million dollars and Freedom Works. Dick Armey earned his $8M parachute for a job no less well done than anticipated. Not a bad return for the $19.99 straw hat from Western Warehouse, with its broken in by this morning's shower shape and its inability to hide what an outright phony he was being.
No doubt there's an algorithm now to replace his services, which consisted of turning every plutocrat's wet dream of a hands-off federal government, plank by plank, into relatable positions for the burgeoning crowds of tea party patriots (such as), while staying in 4-star hotels, dining well, and wearing the hell out of a twenty dollar straw hat.
If there were such an Armeypedia, and you entered "estate tax," you could read up on how this "death tax" could prevent farmer Stolzfuss up the road from handing the farm over to his son Steve when he passes. Except for the absence of sunburned face and goofy hat, you'd have yourself a tool right there, I'll tell you what.
For those who prefer to rally around their go-to fair and balanced enterinfomedia outlet, there's no shortage of Luntzspeak as it serves up tautology, misdirection and outright lies, 24/7. Same tricks - different dogs.
And these tea-partiers, they gave Trump life when he touted and re-touted their insane theory of an illegitimate president. Many people are saying this. I know many good people who are saying this.
He's been dispensing similar vapor since mid-June, which some psychological affect has him describing as a run for the presidency.
Not talking about policies and positions has a dedicated subscribership, it turns out, and most of it could use an afternoon in front of Schoolhouse Rock, some say. I mean I've heard that a lot, quite frankly.
I've seen losing fair and square, having election(s) stolen, seeing my candidate succeed, but never did I expect to have the Great Orange Hope pull the same strings as FreedomWorks had (the great thumping) considering that 20/20 hindsight is supposed to be the best kind and the bright as day spotlight on just who has fared exceptionally well financially should make "trust but, hey guys, let's not verify" seem ill-advised.
The upper class and the upper upper class paid Dick Armey eight million dollars and then wrote the legislation for these new arrivals to the Capitol to sponsor.
So now "trust me: it'll be great" gets past all manner of vigilance to wherever Donald Trump wants to take it?
Eight million dollars and Freedom Works. Talk about a hangover.