Friday, February 5, 2016
Man, You've Changed
Since the John Birch Society adopted its mission statement, "we will lose nothing, ever," in the early sixties, there has been their acceptance of defeat (for politically correct reasons despite the irony today) along with a renewed determination to get past that hiccup part of pushing their agenda when given another chance.
Yes, they built whatever it is that they have and behind closed doors. I'm sure they're mighty proud of it. I'm just a pajama-wearing, guitar-player pundit (like the one two doors down from everyone in the United States), but the rules of losing an argument with the American people, to these guys, commands them to re-package, re-purpose, re-use.
Their best kept "tell" is when things are going precisely as they intended. They take actual breaths and use punctuation. (It's the pajamas which render up a pundit's clairvoyance.) Meaning: when the gear noises suddenly cease, you are in really dangerous territory.
When the co-opting and the Machiavellism was going down in real time, you thought something was hinky, but the fourth estate had that covered, right?
Actually, no. The fourth estate had evolved. Before your eyes, if you had only been paying attention, came the new wave where your feedback helped determine verisimilitude.
I know, Chester, snooze you lose. Now these things are facts you will have to attempt to undo. Good luck.
Because, while you were celebrating how Jesse Jackson's run for the presidency brought so many societal issues into the forefront, even in a losing cause, your future opponents were jotting. Always jotting.
And then there's your friend who e-mailed you his "Obama Biden Laden" bumper sticker that his ultra clever and well-marbled brain thought to have made actually sticky for his actual bumper, who is almost 8 years further on down the road. One can only, but no, one can't even.
There is no preparedness for what once was a simple cajole away.
A simple cajole away.