"Obama bin Lyin'" Herp Derp
Lately, political correctness (PC) has been receiving the same kinds of denunciation as secularism once did. I don't have a problem with either which makes me suspicious of all that agitation.
It also generates enough blow from the reactionary right for the rest of us to question if yet another term has been coopted out of the lexicon (it would help if) everybody uses. PC is as healthy a blend of The Golden Rule, free speech, good manners and statesmanship (where applicable) as one might expect from a country with a Constitution such as ours. I get that it may seem tedious to those who poke and prod for a living.
It's intended to short circuit the manner of getting one's points across, when hateful, disrespectful, ignorant or worse, but not attempting thought control. Perhaps that should have been placed into past tense. As many in the press are well aware, it's being branded as a cudgel to prevent that greater depth of understanding about the events of the day and the participants. Also the locations, times and reasons for it all. (Recalling a free press can make a person feel as old as a party-line windup telephone in quantums of quaintness™. "Hello, Gertie?")
Donald Trump's, like Carly Fiorina's audiences have no need for a decoder ring when PC resonates throughout their screeds, because the bubble is strong. "American greatness again, highest polling" over here; "absolutely not true I ruined HP and lied about abortion videos" over there. Saying otherwise is PC. And cues are picked up faster than Dan Rather's vacuum.
Racism, fascism, McCarthyism, Bolshevism, along with echoes of every acknowledged wrong or embarrassment from US history: this is the task of vigilance to a citizen. Don't go there. Ever again.
It doesn't matter which direction or combination of directions one leans in the cause of our representative democracy, a foray into bypassing the intent of the founders should be called out, and one definition of PC, the properly applied kind, not for nothing, should have already taken care of Trump's poll numbers. "You're fired!" Adding, "blowhard."
There's a legendary Rove/Atwater/Viguerie tactic, known to practitioners of the craft, to attack the others' strengths by any means available. Adding PC to your patois of imaginary victimhood and superhuman ability to solve the nation's problems with no further proof of that intelligence than a recitation of both your first and last names (in all fairness, sometimes adding the middle initial) is nothing if not a guarantee that a press which wants to be shielded from charges of PC run amok (for ratings' sake) can also be made to crave allotments of your time.
There is evil in that genius, and not in that good way.
"Obama bin Lyin'." Did Clem from Dentesvertes, LA think up that sign all by himself? There needs to be a term for those supporters you see on risers behind Trump. Were I to call them retards, I would expect to meet with the zeitgeist of that familiar old PC and by a subsequent draft be calling them idiots.
So ordered.
Just as Orwell imagined a lexicon in flux (though missing that it was for our entertainment is broadly considered dangerous), the demonized PC, as brandished by The Donald, makes for the closer of the loop, the surface tension of the bubble, the lifting of the drawbridge, if you will, that lets his legion of idiots feel secure that their obligations of citizenship are as met as his first well-reasoned position paper is written. It's a cozy rapprochement, any Palin-esque syntax notwithstanding.
You wouldn't want to let anything like critical thinking run it through, and this newly defined political correctness carries with it the power to disabuse anyone of anything, and that seems to be the overarching theme of each Trump appearance. Every bit of it: newspeak.
So much to pour down the memory hole - so little time.
An uncritical swath of the press reinforces it, their employers laughing all the way to the annual stockholders meeting.
Good Americans all.