Thursday, April 14, 2016

Barely One Week's Worth of Campaign Meat

The rest is what in pet food terms is "filler"

I hate the media business with the heat of a thousand night lights. It is, after all, the nature of what they do; they are in business. No model for that says to give it away. No, you must cash in. Thus my hatred is significantly tempered.

Roiling more than boiling.

When I once blogged at a site which promoted social networking as well as writing, the most frequent retort to a rant about this or that outlet was that it was my fault for not going to site x, y, or z.

The regular savvy readers here, whom we reckon by less than a dozen, have no doubt entered into mourning over al Jazeera America shutting down. It had given the huddled discarded refuse of the mainstream a home since buying out Al Gore's Current TV. We shall miss their diligence and never cave to calling their reportage "quaint" nor seek solace in the superior gladhanding of the freshly empowered home brew journalists we must surely someday hate with the heat of a thousand 25 watt bulbs.

What has been the edification of the electorate since Spring of last year when all Trump broke loose? If one ventures even a baby step toward what his supporters cough up in defense of their support, all hope is lost. The answer is, if truth be knowable, nothing. If resorting to that tired hackery of the tired hack, make that all plus one, okay plus infinity, just to end it there. Occam needs a shave, as it were.

All we have granted our sacred process is the diligence and well-meaning efforts of the pre-game, halftime and post-game seeming importance of the Dandy's, Boomer's and retired coaches of the NFL filler programs. The games will be played with whatever teams the coaches field and the results will come pouring in like the good statistics that they are and no turns of phrase like speed & quickness, exceeding expectations, nor nifty scoots will have had any impact.

So what's the point? The game is the voters voting. All else is an excuse to sell commercial airtime.

Tonight, in short order by my reckoning and that infernal countdown clock CNN has chosen as its metier, Hillary and Bernie will "debate." Some say this, some say that, what say you?

But first, a word from our sponsor.

And we're back. Be sure to join us here, all twelve of the savviest cats and kitties in the unknowable universe, for the wrap session that's sure to follow.