Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Twittiquette, Favorites, and #Holy Crap America

At the risk of sounding like I fully embrace never having socially networked, I actually have done it. So hashtag ipso facto.

I checked Twitter for Dummies and believe I have just made something akin to sense.

My greatest fear has always been that once so embracing I could never make sense again. Hashtag am I right people? I wouldn't know. (Well I have a whiff of the knowledges, as Poirot might have said, struggling in a second language. Let's say he actually did, 'kay?) What strikes me as the absurdity of this modern paradigm cum affliction is that to participate is never being able to go back. Go back to what?

I heard you read that because, whether you know it or not, your lips move. Sometimes you even pronounce in a soft whisper.

But that is our once secret secret, savvy reader. Go back to the primordial necessity of language is my answer. I am what I am and you likewise, and if we are to communicate there can be no overlays.

You once hypothetically exclaimed "#fuck you, you fuckin' know-it-all," so now we are able to put it all aside to go to a funeral? To visit in a hospital? To work to elect a certain candidate? To sit there and take you at Thanksgiving dinner? To answer the goddamn phone when caller ID says it's you? To write from the soul?

Because the hashtag in #insert bullshit here makes everything right?

Would we weren't so damn modern. Would we meant what we wrote without the need to count re-tweets per minute.

Would we remembered the principles we once said guided our lives. In the before time. Before favoriting and checking to see if we have been favorited.

Before adding to the stream and checking that stream for updates.

Holy crap, America.