"I make the best deals," he has said over and over.
And over.
Donald Trump is clearly on the path to his presumptive party's nomination. Cleveland's finest can now breathe easier with or without the event's permission to carry weapons openly. Hillary will feel the troll more than the Bern it feels safe to say.
What will the beltway media's narrative be now that Trump's on track to be coronated, a word which will expire this cycle (one can only hope)?
As the primary contests wind down, one of the early narratives, that of the Koch's and their mega-millions, appears to have been relegated to the dustbin of wrong-footed punditry. Yours truly had said with surety about Trump's candidacy that collective idiocy could only carry a person so far. It appears there's only one shot left to be proven correct there.
But there's yet another panic inducing scenario which the card-carrying pundit is well within bounds to suggest with equal quantums of certainty.
When Gov. Walker, the Koch's early favorite, dropped out, there wasn't
an apparent shift of their interest along the ranks of the seventeen whom Reince Priebus has referred to as an embarrassment of riches. (An embarrassment alright.) A couple of weeks ago either David in the Charles mask or vice versa went on a Sunday show to offer up what many perceived as misdirection in the service of some future genius plan as yet unknowable. Saying he was focusing down ticket and shooting Hillary some credulity stretching props, something was, at a minimum, hinky.
After most recent elections, a Machiavellian master stroke forms the substance of some scholarish scribble. Someone got played for a sucker and it was you, traditionally defined citizen. You fell back on the old "it couldn't be that" and it turned out really to have been that all along.
20/20 hindsight in ultra high resolution.
So humor me please, savvy reader, as I lead you by the harness ring of punditry nonpareil. I think that means settle back with some movie theater candies as I spin the entirely unprovable.
The Koch's have an unspent 900 million just laying around gathering dust, with so much more fired up and ready to go.
Even sightless people can see it: The Donald makes the best deals.
A billion dollars is chicken feed to Charles and David yet it could be tantalizing to a man for whom it's either a sizable fraction of his net worth or a reputation salvaging boost to a supposed financial wizard whose secrets are tallied in guesstimates.
You see where this is going, don't you?
If Trump drops out of the race now, for whatever reason (though tanning spray related disease ranks at the top of my musings), then the convention is back to Cruz still having a shot. Also all of the once eschewed, now suddenly revitalized, plus an assortment of dark horses among the ranks of the never ran. Though DC madam related issues come in at a close second, it's the timing that really matters.
After the convention, with a vice presidential nominee already on the banners and buttons (which nowadays means of the Donate Now! kind), a Trump withdrawal elevates the veep pick and leaves the party only needing to find a replacement for that slot.
The Koch's ever enduring tabula rasa, Scott Walker, could wield the most robotic of robo-pens, just ask the ghost of Bob La Follette, and the Republicans' reputation for no depths too great to which to sink would take care of the rest. (Hillary is what now?)
And it's not about the bills that President Obama has had a chance to veto, though they will be reintroduced for sure, nor the backwards trekking of our Supreme Court; it's going to be all about the rights we once thought we had through settled law and the "reforms" we all agreed were the third rail of our politics. Who can say with any certainty what's been forced into dormancy under the skilled leadership of Paul Ryan?
Trump's account of it all will be published under the title of The Art of the Final Deal.
Best book ever.
(Including the Bible, chumps.)
Sleep tight me savvies.