Engaging millions, well hundreds of thousands, well tens of thousands, well hundreds of MSNBC viewers who may have told themselves they were watching a "news" broadcast, Alex Witt declared about our Manhattan Mussolini: “He’s being far more tactile than he was in his first visit, and just
getting right there up with folks who have been displaced by Harvey.
Again, this is a recovery center. And, you know, so there he is perhaps
now showing a little bit more to his critics that he’s got an empathetic
side. ... I’ve got to tell you, we’re seeing a remarkably different President
than we have seen in the past. I mean, we have seen him with his
grandchildren, and he walks hand in hand with them, deplaning Air Force
One, or seeing them perhaps on the balcony at the White House, and we
know that he is a doting grandfather in that regard.”
This, savvy reader, is unadulterated Stockholm Syndrome.
Also Q.E.D. to the Peter Principle. She has been promoted from reading the copy which scrolled along the teleprompter to one of those personalities who feel the public is drawn to them rather than the information they are paid to bring to our attention. To wit (pun intended) “I’ve got to tell you, we’re seeing a remarkably different President
than we have seen ever in our history. One who is given second chances up the wazoo to deliver words and tone in what will eventually arrive at a seeming presidential job performance. I mean, we have seen him with his golf clubs, and his abject hypocrisy by surpassing Obama's time on the course, deplaning Air Force
One posing with chin thrust out like Mussolini, or seeing him perhaps at a state dinner, and you just know he's thinking 'there should have been missiles at the inauguration, which by the way was huge' and so now he's traipsing around Texas again having been told his performance just a few days ago was unconvincing in the compassion department, and because I have to cover this crap and have so heavily invested my name in this newscast, I hereby will be retiring from MSNBC, effective immediately.”
Then, savvy reader, we could admire both her competence, and her self-awareness. She is skilled at reading copy from others' reporting but, like the president, when she goes off script she takes MSNBC Live to a network with Fox News envy.
Isn't that where Van Jones works?