Friday, May 29, 2015

All Gone to Look for America


Patakinomics Tomorrow, Photography Tonight

In a corner of America not known for subtlety nor wise dietary decisions, the accomodation to natural resource businesses in the immediate neighborhood can be greeted with an almost patriotic fervor.
(Did you see the flag?)
I believe in American steel. I believe in American welding skills. Stake my life on it.

PS: America - fck yeah!

The enterprising have sought to pan some of that Main Street gold, as it were, by hanging out shingles the tourists are said to be looking for.
 Mmmm: fine ants.

You turn the corner of Main and some numbered street,
a Rod Serling ear worm narrating, and find a building in its all but Wednesday and Sunday condition and you think to yourself.
My mistake: all this time I've been going to god's transfer station.

Lookit Monsanto, we can raise some rabbits and bring them to market for 7.25 a pound and never once introduce them to your product line.
You don't need a medium to get this message.

Don't know how I got M, Evie and Pup to close in for this shot.
They were running around wild with shrimpin' fever.

Entrepreneurship is so American you almost forget it's French.
I'd like the pie de oso hormiguero tacos with sriracha remoulade, black garlic/fennel slaw and a medium Diet Dr. Pepper.