Saturday, May 23, 2015

Why Regular People Can't Be President

Because making mistakes, admitting them and doing better next time is made out to be a disqualifying weakness.

Because a normal "gut" is aware of its need to rely on experts to form opinions and make decisions, but the president America wants has a "gut" that knows only truth.

Because eschewing social media is the only proof of sanity and its reinforcement amplifies inelectability.

Because inability to do anything about it until the next election cycle is a suitably tight rein on a regular person, while freedom untempered by other people's freedom is better suited to the political class.

Because the regular person is impaired just by the nomenclature.

Because it's perfectly "regular" to hate the right person, avoid batter-fried foods on a stick, and reject shenanigans of all kinds. Good luck with that.

Because satisfying any special interest precludes, it can't help but preclude, and being regular can sometimes come across as a special interest.

Because hypnosis.